Polperro Postscripts

A blog for anyone with an interest in Polperro, publishing and people... with occasional musings on history and humanity.



Polperro History Archive

Posted on October 8, 2015

The Polperro Family History Society continues to thrive, despite being robbed of the wealth of knowledge of our late Projects Officer, Martin Hipperson, who died suddenly in September 2014. Martin devoted himself to compiling an extensive archive on the local and family history of Polperro dating back several centuries. Over a number of years, he conducted interviews with local inhabitants, many of them elderly and some sadly no longer with us; in addition, he created an enormous genealogical database of Polperro families, work that other members of the Society are endeavouring to continue.

Fortunately, Martin’s widow, Christine, is the Society’s chairperson and has kindly consented to the large number of files relating to his research  being relocated to the library room of the village hall in Polperro as a permanent archive for PFHS members and others by arrangement.  The village hall management committee has generously provided some secure cabinets to house the wealth of material that has arrived there. Meanwhile a team of local members are currently working through it all in order to collate and catalogue it.

Many tributes have been paid to Martin since his untimely death last year, and the latest issue of the Society’s Journal (No. 27) gives details of the arrangements being made for anyone requiring access to the archive.